Thursday, February 18, 2010

I have a clear glass walk in shower soap scum has built up and i cannot remove it. Any ideas please ?

I just tried the EZ-Off Oven Cleaner answer that Cindy K recommended and it seriously worked better than any of the Tilex, Kaboom, CLR cleaners I have tried that are made for bathrooms. I had the low fume ';lemon-scented'; version, left it on for 15 minutes, and wiped with a wet paper towel. It came right off with no scrubbing - I never knew there was so much there! And I clean it every week.. the other cleaners were just not getting it all off.I have a clear glass walk in shower soap scum has built up and i cannot remove it. Any ideas please ?
get some cillet bang that will get it off.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I have a clear glass walk in shower soap scum has built up and i cannot remove it. Any ideas please ?
Try cillet bang. BANG, and the dirt is gone. or so I'm lead to believe.
waiting for your answers, i have the same problem
Some microbes can etch glass and cleaners can ruin your shower stall.Once the surface is scratched by scrubbing, all the bugs get new living quarters...

';';Harsh chemicals can etch into glass and fiberglass, and harsh sponges can scratch those surfaces, leaving you with a door that when it has dried, has a white, chalky appearance.

Choose your tools wisely. Read the labels on sponges before purchasing them. Most will say what they should be used for, and many are color-coded. For example, meshlike white sponges are intended for cleaning bathrooms, standard blue sponges are for the kitchen, and abrasive green sponges are for heavy-duty work, such as cleaning a grill. Never use a green sponge on a bathroom surface. White and blue sponges and those that are labeled for use in bathrooms are gentle enough for shower doors. ';';
Scotch-Brite, Comet, and lots of HARD work. But you will be really proud when its done.
Use some CLR, that's Calcium, Lime and Rust Remover.

That'll cut it, then you'll have to rinse very thouroghly.

Good Luck!
what's that informercial called... god damn it its on the tip of my tongue... ... ... ... im going to get it
cif or yes pie O_o hahaha
take a spray bottle cotaining equal parts white vinegar and water into shower with you. after shower when it is warm spray with mixture and wipe down with micro cloth. then rinse with warm clear water.
Watch the telly adverts, they have the answer to everything it seems.
A product called ';The Works'; is very effective. Wal-Mart and home depot have it.
Use a green scourer type sponge with a cleaning product for the purpose. Wear gloves.
';Scrub free soap scum remover';.... Works excellent! costs like $2.50 at K-Mart

Tilex, Kaboom, and CLR are crap.

X-14 soap scum remover works good too.
Tilex or Kaboom and a scrubby sponge. But please make sure you have a window open if you use Tilex, because the fumes are very strong and you shouldn't breathe them. Use it weekly and you will never have build up again. There is another product that you can spritz on the glass everyday to keep soap scum from building up.
Lemon oil furniture polish. It is what Merry Maids use. Just make sure you rinse it well.
I always use VIAKAL as it also removes limescale too.
Try white vingar hot water and lemon juice. Mix 3 parts vinigar 2 parts lemon juice with 5 parts water and wipe over surface then rince. if you want an advertised product and you are British thres a product called Cilitbang, you know the one advertised with the pennie test, it works brilliantly. (Alot better than Flash or Mr Muscle does. Although you could try these too and see which you prefare using), Luise J
ez-off it works everytime it smells... but will remove it keep ot on for lke an hour or two and it will work wonders..

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