Sunday, February 21, 2010

How come the ocean is blue but the water in my glass is clear?

Reflects the sky not true at all... The ocean is blue for a very similar reason that the sky is blue. It has to do with the way light travel through matter (air and water are both matter). In water specifically, the different wavelengths of light penetrate to different depths. Red light for example only penetrates a few feet into the water however blue light penetrates much deeper. The only light that reaches the bottam is actually blue so the water appears blue.How come the ocean is blue but the water in my glass is clear?
The ocean is blue because of the reflection off of our atmosphere. And the sky is blue because our o-zone layer which is made up of primarly O3. Now O3 or 3 Oxygen molocules bound together handles light a very specific way. When light hits the O3 molocules in our atmosphere, much like when light hits a crystal, it bends the light only allowing a certian wave length to escape. And in the case of the sky, that wave length coresponds to Blue. YAY can i have my points?!!!How come the ocean is blue but the water in my glass is clear?
the reason is it is a body of water. Same reason the water in a swimming pool is blue.

One time I had soft water in my home %26amp; even the water in the bathtub was blue
If your glass was big enough, and it had enough water in it, it would look blue. ;)
Because it reflects the color of the sky.
the ocean reflects of the sky

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