Sunday, February 21, 2010

What is the clear piece of glass or plasic shield that the president has in front of him for?

I have seen all the presidents have this on their stage but never knew what that was for much less what it's called.What is the clear piece of glass or plasic shield that the president has in front of him for?
The glass shield in front of the president (or any other important official) during speeches is a TELEPROMPTER.

The glass is angled and has a reflective surface (like a two-way mirror) that is very clear from the audience's side--so it does not interfere with the view from the audience or camera shots. An overhead projector projects the image of the official's speech on the surface so it can be read.

I would guess that the glass is also bulletproof as a backup but cannot confirm this for sure.What is the clear piece of glass or plasic shield that the president has in front of him for?
It's a Teleprompter. There's a video screen beneath it, horizontal. facing up. The script of his speech is scrolled past on the video screen and he sees a reflection in the glass. But to the audience the glass looks clear, so it doesn't block their view of him.鈥?/a>


Bulletproof glass shields.
It is a teleprompter. The president can read his speech text projected there, but this is not visible to others. It is not a security apparatus and confers no protection from attackers.
That is the screen to asssist with the teleprompter. You have certainly noticed it around BHO so much becuase he can't leave home without it (Sorry Karl
I'm not sure what you're talking about, but I would guess that it would be some sort of bulletproof protection against assassinations.
It is like a sneeze shield at the salad bar.
Its a sneeze guard much like they have at salad bars

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