Sunday, February 21, 2010

Is there a way how to put solar panels in between glass and make it clear?

I was thinking. If we could put solar panels in the glass in city buildings, a lot of energy could be prodused and a lot of money could be saved.Is there a way how to put solar panels in between glass and make it clear?
It's being worked on.鈥?/a>Is there a way how to put solar panels in between glass and make it clear?
No. Solar panels panels absorb light energy to produce electricity, so a transparent panel would not absorb the energy and therefore would not produce any power. There are semi-transparent solar cells in the works but they produce very little power because they don't make the best use of the incoming light.
yeah it can be produced and saved its a win win situation you could proablly have upscale eco friendly coffe shops do this. check in
sry i dont know

but um you just answerd my question

but i added more details

so can you please read the rest

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