Sunday, February 21, 2010

Are them boil eggs good to eat that are keep in those clear glass jars with the lids on them?

sometimes you see them around like in bars on top of counters where people will reach in and grab one with their hands,peel the skin off and eat it.

Are they good to eat or are they bad for you because there,s some kind of liquid that,s in the jar also that doesn,t look healthy to touchAre them boil eggs good to eat that are keep in those clear glass jars with the lids on them?
They're not only boiled, but pickled as well. The liquid in them is pickling brine; made up of vinegar, salt and spices. As for how they taste? I don't particularly care for them, but lots of people do. They taste, well..........pickled.

They're a little more bad for you than plain old boiled eggs, since they're stored in a salty liquid.Are them boil eggs good to eat that are keep in those clear glass jars with the lids on them?
I have never seen Pickle Eggs with the shell on the vinegar will chemically react

So there must not have been liquid in the jar so they were just plain hard boiled eggs

you change the story in your last paragraph and imply a liquid is there

do realize the mess on the bar drippy hands - - NO way

EDIT - - thanks folks your fast

they must taste good you say people are eating them....
They're pickled eggs. That liquid is a pickling brine. If they weren't meant to be eaten then they would not be there. However, if patrons are just reaching in with their bare hands I would steer clear. The bar tender should be the one retrieving them with tongs and serving them to the customer.
If I were you, I'd steer clear of those. Nothing looks more disgusting than pickled eggs in a jar!
if you only ate one then it couldn't really hurt you too much but i wouldn't go around eating heaps
That sounds gross and disgusting to me.

At our sports bar we would never display such lack of class.
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